10 Health Benefits of Zucchini

The zucchini is a summer squash that is native to the American people, and is usually of a dark green color. It is a vegetable that can be found in plenty of recipes from all around the world, and it is quite versatile, meaning it can be consumed raw or cooked – either way it will be packed with nutrients that will provide you with plenty of health benefits.

This is why we have chosen this particular subject to elaborate today, so that you will get to know all of the benefits that come from the zucchini. So sit back and read on!

Health Benefits of Zucchini

1. The zucchini will benefit your weight loss process – zucchini is a food that is low in starch. This means that it is low in carbs and very high in fiber. This means that it will fill you up easily and will not make you overeat. Of course, this will lead to healthy promotion of the weight loss process. The zucchini is also high in water content, meaning it will help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. It is also a food with low glycemic index. Of course, we don’t have to tell you that consuming more fruitsand veggies will help you maintain your weight balance, and that you should especially focus on the high fiber foods, for they not only require more chewing, but they also take more time to digest, making you feel full and eat less.

2. Will improve the health of your heart – the zucchini is low in sodium, cholesterol, fat, and will help you maintain a balance of carbs, which is a requirement for optimal health of the heart. The zucchini is also great for the heart because it contains fiber. The high fiber intake is connected to significantly lowered risks of developing hypertension, stroke or a heart disease. The zucchini is also rich in folate, another important compound that will lower your risk of a heart disease. In addition to this, the fact that there are magnesium and potassium found in the zucchini makes it a super food for the heart. Researchers claim that the deficiency in these compounds is directly linked to heart failure. Finally, another nutrient that can be found in the zucchini is the riboflavin. It will elevate the health of your heart, and it will prove to be effective with women who are bearing a child.

3. Will improve the health of the eyes – the zucchini contains zeaxanthin and lutein, two antioxidants that are found to prevent the age related macular degeneration. These kinds of diseases do not present any warning signs, so the best way to prevent them is to include the zucchini in your regular dieting plan. This is a plant that is filled with Vitamin A as well as beta carotene, which will both prove to be an excellent help in improving you eye sight and offer protection against various other infections.

4. Will help you control diabetes – unfortunately, nowadays you cannot seem to find a household that does not deal with diabetes. Thankfully, the zucchini can help here. The dietary fiber, present in this veggie, can delay the absorption of glucose and aid the patients that are dealing with type 2 diabetes. The higher intake of fiber is also connected to the metabolic syndrome, another contributing factor of diabetes.

5. Will lower your levels of cholesterol – the zucchini is one of the foods which are free of cholesterol, and this is why you can include them in your cholesterol free dieting plan. The soluble fiber has been proven to interfere with the absorption of cholesterol. This will help lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Zucchini Nutrition

6. Can help you cure asthma – the high levels of the Vitamin C in the zucchini can help you deal with the asthma. The anti inflammatory properties can also help you here. In addition to this, the zucchini also contains copper, which has proven to be an even better solution to treating asthma. It is very logical to cure asthma and symptoms leading up to it with Vitamin C, giving the fact that this is the vitamin we turn to when we are feeling under the weather or have caught the common cold.

7. It is good if you wanna enhance your digestion – in addition to all the benefits we have presented to you today, this squash can also aid your digestion. Several studies have shown that the regular consumption of green veggies and fruit, including the zucchini can aid the entire digestive system. You can consume the zucchini before or ater a meal, as a snack with some fresh carrots or a piece of bread. However, make sure that you don’t consume too much of it, for the dietary fiber, when consumed in large quantitites can lead to bloating, gasses and so on.

8. Lower your blood pressure levels – the zucchini, being rich in potassium, is one of the best food to combat hypertension with. Surprisingly, the zucchini contains a lot more potassium than the banana does. The potassium can act positively on the blood vessels, thus releasing the blood pressure. This is a nutrient that is a principal electrolyte in the human body. It is also required to create a proper balance with the sodium in the body, which contributes most to the high blood pressure in the body.

9. Slowing down the process of aging with the zucchini – the anti aging market is very big nowadays, and is growing by the minute. But did you know that you can contribute to that from the comfort of your own kitchen? Well, thanks to the zuchhini, you will not only feel, but will look younger too! The lutein and zeaxanthin are both able to do wonders for the skin, lightening it and giving it protection from the UV damage, as well as improve the health and the elasticity of the skin.

10. Promotes strong teeth and bones – the green veggies, such as the zucchini, promote strong bones and teeth. The lutein, zeaxanthin, Vitamin K and magnesium all together contribute to maintaining a strong bone structure. The folate is also a big factor here too. There is basically no better option to go with if you want to maintain the strength of your bones than the zucchini.

As you have probably already noticed by now, the zucchini is considered to be quite a powerful food that can bring a lot of nutrients to your body, so making it a part of your dieting plan is something that you definitely should consider. Start consuming it today and feel the difference now!

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