10 Health Benefits of Raspberries

Have you ever thought about the health benefits that the raspberries can provide you with? The raspberries are a delicious and pretty fruit, blooms throughout the entire year and and is perennial in nature. However, back it the days it was considered to be a summer fruit, but because it has been modified by technology, nowadays it is available through the entire year.

Today the raspberries can be found anywhere and they have noted to be popular for their nutritional character. The raspberries are considered to be excellent for your health. You will be amazed by how many benefits you can gain from them. This is why you should definitely read on and find out the health benefits that the raspberries carry around in them.

Health Benefits of Raspberries

1. They will maintain your cardiovascular health – the raspberry contains anti coagulant property that makes it an amazing blood thinner. They can be used in some critical cases where a person is experiencing excessive clotting and when patients experience fluctinating blood pressure. This is why the raspberries are recommended to be a part of your every day dieting plan. They will not only discourage the clotting but will also dissolve the existing clots and maintaing the blood fluidity. All of this will ensure your cardiovascular health. The potassium in the raspberries will improve the muscle function, including the function of the heart. Also, this fruit has a potential of lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

2. Can improve fertility – there was an article posted in the Medical Daily claiming that the Vitamin C and the magnesium which are present in the raspberries can improve the fertility with both men and women. The theory here suggests that the antioxidants in the raspberries have the ability to protect the health of the sperm, promote conception, and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

3. Can boost your memory and your mood – consuming raspberries on a daily basis will prevent brain damage and memory loss, which are both associated with aging. This is possible by reducing the oxidative stress in the body. A study proved that the higher intake of the flavonoid rich berries can reduce the declination in th cognitive function. In addition to this, the anthocyanin works together with the quercetin to prevent the memory loss due to aging.

4. Gives health to your tissues and blood vessels – the raspberries are filled with Vitamin C, which ultimately helps in repairing the skin tissues and aids in the cell regeneration of the skin, ligaments, bones, as well as the blood vessels.

5. Contains some anti inflammatory properties – the raspberry is able to prevent the damage to the cell membranes through their anti inflammatory properties that can help in the case of a heart disease, strengthen your immune system, and even aid with the digestion. Recent studies have shown that the antioxidants which are found in the raspberries, which are a lot more than in any other fruit or vegetable, is responsible for the anti inflammatory properties of the berries. The gastrointestinal tract will thank you for consuming them.

Raspberry nutrition

6. It can boost your immunity – the raspberries, as we already mentioned, are filled with Vitamin C, which is a vitamin capable of increasing the immunity of the body and hel you fight off every day conditions as well as the rare ones. The Vitamim C is able to boost the antioxidant level in the raspberries and clean the blood cells, making you safe from any unwanted infections and ailments. The antioxidants, such as the anthocyanin and phenols will keep a body healthy and will maintain that for the years to come.

7. Maintain the health of the eyes – so, basically the Vitamin C found in the raspberries can do wonders for you. When paired with the Vitamin A and phenols, which are all compounds found in the raspberries are able to ward off diseases and protect the membranes on the eyes from completely drying out. Another compound that can maintain the health of your vision is the ellagic acid.

8. Excellent snack for diabetics – the raspberries contain compounds which are a bonus pack that will deinifely make your body happy. The type 2 diabetes is present in many people nowadays, and thanks to the amazing compounds in the raspberries, you will be able to maintain your blood sugar and insulin levels in the blood. The raspberries can also prevent the spike of blood sugar levels, making them an excellent snack for you.

9. Helps in the weight loss process – the raspberries are filled with nutrients but low in calories, making them an excellent food to focus on if you want to lose some weight. The water in the raspberries will not let your body dehydrate after an exercise. The composition of the trace minerals such as the manganese, phosphorous and potassium will restore the electrolyte balance in the body. This is an excellent post workout snack for you, that is also low in calories too. The raspberries are filled with ketones, are effective in burning the fat stored in the abdominal area. There are also plenty of studies showing that the raspberries break down the lipid in the fat cells, promoting a natural and healthy weight loss process.

10. Gives power to your brain – the raspberries can improve the health of your brain. Several components, such as the folate, potassium, and some antioxidants are well known in providing some neurological benefits. The folate has been known to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. The potassium has further been linked to an increased flow of blood to the brain, enhancing the cognitive function, as well as concentration, increasing the neuro activity.

The potential health benefits of the raspberries are incredible, making them an amazing low calorie snack that you would certainly enjoy in every single day. Including them in your every day dieting plan is something we encourage you to do in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle and a happy body!

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