10 Health Benefits of Pomegranate

The pomegranate is considered to be one of the healthiest fruits that exist. This is a fruit that contains plenty of beneficial plant compound that are undoubtedly unrivaled by other fruits or veggies. This one is truly a remarkable fruit.

Plenty of studies have shown that the pomegranate contains many healthy compounds which can bring to your body incredible benefits, having in mind that it can lower the risk of various ailments. For this reason, we have deicded to focus on the pomegranate today and indulge you in a small list of all the benefits that you will get from consuming pomegranate on a more often level. Read on!

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

1. It is filled with antioxidants – the pomegranate juice contains plenty of antioxidant benefits, more than any other fruit juice. This is made by pressing the whole fruit, and this is a good thing because most of the antioxidants of the pomegranate are centered in the peel, membranes and the white pith.

2. Give you protection from Alzheimer’s disease – there are some evidence from various studies that have shown the pomegranate can actually help you in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. The ingredient in the pomegranate called punicalagin can help prevent the inflammation that destroys the brain cells further known as micrologia. It is hoped that the pomegranate will lead people one step closer to dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Aid digestion – the pomegranate is able to calm the disorders in the stomach caused by diarrhea, or any sort of digestive issue. In this case, you can even try drinking the tea leaves made from this fruit, in curing your digestive issues. Also, the pomegranate juice can be used in this case, especially for reducing the issues such as cholera and dysentery. The pomegranate has the ability to maintain the digestive health at an optimal level.

4. Anti inflammatory – the chronic inflammation is one of the lead factors for many killer diseases, including diabetes type 2, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and obesity. Thankfully, the pomegranate contains many anti inflammatory properties that are largely mediated from the antioxidant properties from a compound called punicalagins. It has been shown by test tube studies that the pomegranate is able to reduce the inflammatory activity within the digestive tract, as well as in colon and breast cancer. There was even a study done with diabetics that consuming 250 ml pomegranate juice every day for a period of three months lowered the inflammatory markers for 30%.

5. Help arthritis – the arthritis is known to be a comon issues, especially in the Western countries. Even though there are many different types of arthritis, most of them do involve some kind of pain in the joints. Because the plant compounds within the pomegranate contain anti inflammatory effects, it just makes sense that it will help you deal with the arthritis pain. There have been some laboratory studies showing that the pomegrante is able to block the enzymes which are known to do damage to the joints in people who are suffering from osteoarthritis. Furthermore, it has been shown that the pomegranate is beneficial against arthritis in mice, but there is still unsufficient evidence that it does a lot of good for humans.

pomegranate nutrition

6. Handle heart disease – currently, the heart disease is the world’s most common cause of premature death. It is quite a complicated disease that could be driven by various factors. Thankfully, the punicic acid, which is the main fatty acid in the pomegranate can aid you in the process of protecting you against several steps in the heart disease process. One study showed that people who consumed 800 ml of pomegranate juice for a period of a month showed lowered levels of triglycerides and improved HDL levels. Another study showed that, both in animals as well as in humans, the pomegranate juice is able to protect the LDL particles from oxidation, which if not taken care of, is the major step towards a heart disease.

7. Maintain normal blood pressure levels – among all the things that the pomegranate can do for you, this one is definitely the best on the list. The hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the major factors for strokes and heart attacks. There was one study that showed people having significant reduction of their high blood pressure after consuming 150 ml pomegranate juice for a period of two weeks. Some other studies have shown similar effect, especially with people who are dealing with high blood pressure.

8. Antiviral properties – did you know that the pomegranate is able to fight off various infections just because of its amazing health properties? Well, thanks to the richness in healthy nutrients, whatever part of this fruit you decide to consume or use, it will definitely ward off infections, diseases and help your body become stronger and a lot healthier than before.

9. Filled with vitamins – we failed to mention so far that the pomegranate is an actual health bomb. It is filled with different (and many) nutrients, and among them you can find the Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, as well as plenty of minerals, among which potassium, folate and plenty of antioxidants too. The pomegranate juice would prove to be an excellent addition to your day to day dieting plan.

10. Boost and enhance the memory – there is some evidence showing that the pomegranate is able to improve your memory. In a study conducted with two surgical patients, only two grams of pomegranate extract had prevented them from memory deficit right after the surgery. Another study, conducted on 28 individuals who were in their later ages, proved that consuming 240 ml of pomegranate juice on a daily basis can significantly improve the markers of verbal as well as visual memory.

If you are eager to start enjoying the health benefits that we have outlined for you in this article, then you can either eat the pomegranate directly, or digest it in a form of pomegranate juice. In any way, at the end of the day, the pomegranates are considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet, which are filled with benefits of quite a wide range, and will definitely help you reduce the risk of various ailments. Start consuming it today!

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