10 Health Benefits of Oats

Even though it happens that you wake up in the morning, make yourself a bowl of porridge but just sit there and think how you don’t want to eat it? Well, after reading this, that kind of thoughts will never ever cross your mind! There are plenty of people who see the magic in their bowl of morning meal, and you will start seeing it too!

This is why today we have deicded to talk about the health benefits of the oats. They are truly incredible and will make your jaw drop, so keep on reading and find out what they can do for you!

Health Benefits of Oats

1. They are filled with antioxidants – one of the absolute best health benefits of the oatmeal is that they are an excellent source of antioxidants. They contain an antioxidant that is unique to the oatmeal and it is called avenanthramides. This is an antioxidant which is vital to your health, because it is able to protect you from the cell damage that can occur through the activeness of the free radicals. Without the antioxidants you would be more prone to cancer, hardening of the arteries and will have accelerated signs of aging.

2. The oats can help you relieve constipation – a lot of people, especially the elderly, often experience constipation, with infrequent and irregular bowel movements which are quite difficult to pass. In cases such as these, the laxatives are often used to relieve constipation in the elderly. However, even though they are considered to be effective, they are also associated with weight loss and reduced quality of life.

There have been plenty of studies which have indicated that the oat bran, the fiber rich outer layer of the grain, may help relieve constipation with older people. There was even one trial which found out that the overall well being improved in 30 elderly patients who consumed a soup or dessert containing oat bran daily for 12 weeks. To make things more interesting, 59% of those patients were able to stop using laxatives after the study period of three months, while the overall laxative use increased by 8% in the control group.

3. Prevent diabetes with oats – as well as stabilizing blood sugar levels, oatmeal can actually prevent diabetes from ever developing. The fiber found in the oatmeal helps in cases such as these and so does the high content of magnesium too, which helps to regulate the glucose and insulin levels within the body. The oatmeal milk is something that you can easily prepare for yourself and will help to prevent diabetes too.

4. Will provide you with an energy boost – the oatmeal is a great source of protein and carbohydrates and it could make your workouts even more effective. Some studies have shown that the athletes who eat oatmeal about an hour before their training were able to perform far better and for a longer period of time. The oatmeal provides you with the energy that you need for an optimal physical exercise and it also gives you more stamina as well.

5. Lower your levels of cholesterol – another one of the incredible health benefits of oatmeal is that eating it will lower the levels of cholesterol in your blood and all of it can be done with just one and half cups of oatmeal. Incredible right? A bowl of porridge oats in the morning will easily provide you with enough soluble fiber to inhibit the body’s absorption of the bad LDL cholesterol, which can be the cause of a heart disease and a stroke.

Oat nutrition

6. Will help you improve your muscle mass – if you’re looking to bulk your figure up (or simply improve your overall muscle mass) try starting your morning routine with a bowl of steel cut oats. The oatmeal is an excellent source of healthy carbs because it contains a very low glycemic index which means it will encourage the loss of fat in the body and preserve the muscles during your workouts. Because of the amazing nutrient value in the oatmeal, it is one of the most favorable foods among nutritionists and fitness instructors.

7. It can help you control your weight – another one of the incredible health benefits of the oatmeal is that it is rich in soluble fiber that fills you up and takes a pretty long time to digest. All of this means that you will feel full for a longer period of time and be far less tempted to consume any sugary snacks later in the day. Several studies have proven that the children who eat oatmeal for breakfast are far less likely to be obese.

8. Will aid your muscle recovery – the carbs and the protein are essential for building and recovering of the muscles. The oatmeal contains both protein and complex carbohydrates, and the body uses these nutrients to build muscle. Also, iron is found in the oatmeal too. It is an essential mineral for carrying the oxygen through the bloodstream and eventually to the muscles. The carbs found in the oatmeal turn into energy. The body will then burn off this energy during a workout, instead of burning away your hard earned muscle mass.

9. Can aid the balance of estrogen in the body – yes, it is able to balance your hormones by adding some oatmeal into your dieting plan. Some symptoms of a hormone impairment or decrease include often mental distractions, a low libido, fogginess, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, weight gain and fatigue. The oatmeal is very high in fiber. The fiber binds itself to the estrogen and eliminates all of the excess or unnecessary hormones.

10. Finally, it will promote excellent vision – the Vitamin A is made up from antioxidant compounds. All of these compounds are essential for the formation of the bone, the immune system and for the vision. The cornea, which is surface of the eye, is protected by Vitamin A. This vitamin creates barriers against all sorts of viruses and bacteria which can be the cause of eye infections. The Vitamin A can also be used as an effective treatment for dry eyes. In addition, there have been some studies that suggest this vitamin plays an important part in decreasing the risk of macular degeneration, which causes loss of vision.

To conclude, all in all, the oats have an amazing nutriton value and they are definitely something that needs to be a part of your regular dieting plan. Whether you are eager on taking a bit more fiber into your dieting plan or just want to get the most nutrients out of it, you will not go wrong with the oats, so start consuming them now. Remember, oats in the morning is always a good idea!

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