10 Health Benefits of Watercress

On today’s topic we have a cruciferous veggie that will literally blow your mind from all the goodness it has inside. We are talking about the watercress. This is a leafy green veggie that is amazing and contains plenty of minerals, vitamins, as well as plenty of antioxidant properties.

If you keep on reading, we will reveal to you, one by one, all of the nutrients that are a part of this amazing veggie, which will make you want to consume it on a daily basis. This is why in addition we give you some of the best health benefits that can come with the regular consumption of this vegetable.

Health Benefits of Watercress

1. Will improve the function of your thyroid gland – the watercress is a proud member of the brassica family (a type of cruciferous veggies), which makes it show beneficial effects in the thyroid health. The watercress, much like all the other brassica family members, work by reducing the thyroid hormone production and are usually most beneficial when they are consumed raw. Also, if you like, you can lightly steam the watercress so it will not use any of its nutritional value.

2. It can improve your cardiovascular health – besides all the other benefits that come with the watercress, it also contains plenty of secondary metabolities that can help lower the risk of different chronic diseases. The cruciferous plants such as the watercress are proven to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body, which subsequently lowers the risk of any cardiovascular diseases, among which is the atherosclerosis and other heart disease which are found to be chronic. The watercress is filled with Vitamin C that works as an antioxidant that helps in reducing the damage done to the heart tissue caused by oxidative stress. The Vitamin C is quite active in the process of embryonic cells development into cardiac myocytes and improving the health of the heart.

3. Will improve the health of your bones – several studies have shown that the inclusion of calcium rich foods in your every day dieting plan, such as the watercress, will reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. The calcium works to repair and build up the bones by causing an increase in the production of osteoblasts, cells responsible for this particular activity. This is a benefit from the calcium that is found to be essential for the aging population, and even the youthful population can benefit from it too, especially if they practice a sedentary lifestyle, which promotes bone density loss. Also, the watercress is an excellent source of folate, which plays an important role as an interactive nutrient in maintaining the density of the bones. The post menopausal women will also benefit from the folate, as it will prevent the osteoporosis from occurring.

4. It has a rich content in calcium – many researchers have agreed that the calcium, through the dietary intake is probably one of the most beneficial factors when it comes to preventing many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Also, by digesting calcium through food sources such as the watercress, you will be much safer from any adverse cardiac effects, which is quite a concern when it comes to taking high dose supplements. Many studies have further shown that the regular consumption of watercress can be from secondary metabolites and other phytonutrients that will repair the cellular damage and work effectively as a good preventive against certain cardiovascular diseases, several types of cancer and thyroid disease.

5. It has a rich content in folate too – another essential nutrient foor the body is the folate, which has a major role in preventing any birth defects and maintains the day to day optimal health. The folate levels are usually affected by the consumption of alcohol. A diet that is rich in folates like the watercress and other cruciferous veggies will work as a preventive and will even resolve certain health conditions. The consumption of folate can help in reducing the risk of a depression, a stroke, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, and even neural tube deficiencies in babies.

Watercress nutrition

6. Can act as an antidepressant – the lack of dietary intake or excessive levels of alcohol can lead to low levels of folate in the body. It has been proven with several studies that the low levels of folate in the body can increase the risk of depression. The folate works along with the neurotransmitters, the pathways of the central nervous system, thus affecting the the production of neurochemicals such as the serotonin. Giving the fact that the depression is affecting a significant part of the world population, the addition of foods with a high content of folate, such as the watercress is a very important dietary supplement in reducing the risk of several chronic diseases.

7. Can be of help during pregnancy – the folate is quite an important nutrient when it comes to proper development of the healthy embrio because it plays an important role in the normal cellular division. In addition to this, the consumption of about 400 mcg of folate on a daily basis will aid pregnant women to reduce the incidence of the neurl tube deficiency. The watercress, along with its high content of folate will help in reducing the risk of these ailments.

8. Can stop any cognitive disorders – the folate is able to act preventively against cognitive decline. Results of a study that included males within the year frame of 50-70 years showed how the regular consumption of 800 mcg of folate has beneficial effects on the verbal fluency and cognition. This is why, by including the watercress, a high folate content food, you will protect yourself from any cognitive decline.

9. Is able to improve the health of the brain – the consumption of foods rich in Vitamin C can be beneficial in preventing cognition changes as related to Alzheimr’s disease and aging, and also connected to protecting and repairing the tissue of the brain. Also, it works in reducing the bleeding if a stroke happens. Some other results have even shown that people who have sustained a traumatic head injury have often low concentrations of Vitamin C in the body. All of these studies also suggest that consuming foods rich in Vitamin C (such as the watercress) will benefit in preventing any damage and improving the outcomes of a brain injury. Actually, the high concentration of Vitamin C even plays a major role in the neuron building activity.

10. Is able to improve your eye sight too – several European studies have suggested that the Vitamin C, along with the Vitamin E is proven to be effective in reducing the oxidative damage done to the red blood cells. Even though these studies are based solely on its supplements, it has also been suggested that the consumption of leafy green cruciferous veggies such as the watercress can be beneficial to the overall health.

When consumed on a daily basis, the watercress will provide the body with plenty of health benefits. The nutrients foound in this amazing veggie can do wonders for your body. It is considered to be a super food, so this is why we urge you to start consuming it on a daily basis and get all the benefits from it.

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