10 Health Benefits of Green Tea

The green tea is known as one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It is filled with nutrients and antioxidants that have very powerful effect on the body. All of these effects include fat loss, improved function of the brain, lowered risk of cancer and many other benefits.

This is why today we have decided to present to you some of the best health benefits that come with consuming the green tea on a daily basis. Enjoy reading them!

Health Benefits of Green Tea

1. The green tea is able to improve your health – the green tea is so much more than just a hot liquid. Plenty of the bioactive compounds found in the green tea make this drink contain plenty of nutrients. You will have a cup filled with antioxidants such as flavonoids and catechins. These are the substances that reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, thus protecting the molecules and cells from any damage. Also, the green tea contains a small amount of minerals which are important for the health too. Just make sure that you choose a high quality green tea, because the low quality types contain excessive fluoride levels. But even if you choose a low quality brand, there are still plenty of benefits to be gained.

2. Also, it will improve the function of the brain – the green tea will not only keep you awake, but it will make you a lot smarter too. The active ingredient here which is key is the caffeine, a well known stimulant. It doesn’t contain as much caffeine as the coffee, but it contains enough to make you alert. The caffeine has been long studied and it constantly lead to improvements in different aspects of the function of the brain, including improved memory, mood, reaction time and vigilance. It has also been proven that many people are more productive and have a more stabile energy when consuming tea instead of coffee.

3. Will increase the burning of fat – the green tea has found its way on the list of fat burning supplements. This is all because the green tea has been shown to increase the burning of fat and boost the metabolic rate. One study proved that the energy expenditure is increased by 4% from the green tea, and another study showed that the fat oxidation was increased by 17%, proving that the green tea can increase the burning of fat. However, these studies do not refer to every person that was in them, so the results may differ from one individual to the next. The caffeine itself, is able to improve the physical performance by simply mobilizing the fatty acids from the fat tissues and making them a soruce of energy.

4. Lower the risk of cancer – the cancer is usually caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is known as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is also known that the oxidative damage contributes to the cancer, and the antioxidants can have a protective effect on the body. Thankfully, the green tea is a great source of antioxidants, making it a perfect sense to contribute to a lowered risk of several types of cancer, among which prostate, breast and colorectal cancer. Bear in mind here that it is not a good idea to add milk to the tea for it decreases the antioxidant value.

5. Lower the risk of serious diseases – not only is the tea able to improve the short term health of the brain, but it is also able to protect your brain when you get to a certain age. The most common neurodegenerative disease in humans, as well as the leading cause of dementia is the Alzheimer’s disease. The second most common neurodegenerative disease is the Parkinson’s disease, and it involves the death of the neurons in the brain that produce dopamine. Plenty of studies have shown that the catechin compounds found in the green tea will have various protective effects on neurons in various test tubes, thus lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

6. Is able to kill bacteria – the catechins found in the green tea contain other biological effects too. Some of the studies have showed that they are able to kill off bacteria and inhibit some viruses such as the influenza virus, thus lowering your risk of infections. There are plenty of bacteria in the mouth, especially the streptococcus, which causes a formation of plaque and is a leading contributor to tooth decay. Studies have proven that the catechins found in the green tea are able to improve the dental health and lower the risk of caries. Another benefit from the green tea is that it is able to reduce the bad breath. Awesome, right?

7. Is able to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes – the type 2 diabetes is a disease the influences millions of people worldwide. This disease involves having your blood sugar levels elevated in the context of an insulin resistance and the inability of the body to produce insulin by itself. Well, some studies have shown that the green tea can improve the insulin sensitivity and even reduce the blood sugar levels. It may even lower the risk of getting diabetes type 2 in the long run.

8. Prevent cardiovascular diseases – the cardiovascular diseases, including the heart attack and the stroke are the biggest death cause in tthe world. Thankfully, some studies have proven that the green tea can lower this risk. The green tea is able to amazingly improve the antioxidant ability in the blood, thus protecting the LDL cholesterol particles from being oxidized, which is one path that leads toward a cardiovascular disease. Because of the beneficial effects on the heart, the people who regularly consume the green tea have a 31% less chances of developing a cardiovascular disease.

9. Will help you lose weight – because the green tea is able to boost the metabolic rate in the short term, it is able to help you lose some weight. Several studies have shown that the green tea is able to decrease the body fat, especially in the area of the abdomen. However, some of these studies do not show that levels of effectiveness, so take them with a greain of salt.

10. Will help you live longer too – because the people who drink green tea have a significantly lower risk of a cardiovascular disease or cancer, they tend to live longer. There have been studies that have proven the effectiveness of the green tea and they have decreased the mortality rate by about 30% in women and 25% in men.
So, bottom line is that if you want to feel better, lose some weight and lower your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease, consider consuming the green tea on a regular basis. You will not go wrong, we assure you!

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